New Twisted Metal Game Cheats

For Twisted Metal on the PlayStation 3, GameFAQs has 61 cheat codes and secrets. You can submit new cheats for this game and help our users gain an edge. Twisted Metal Black Cheats. During Gameplay hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 then rapidly press up, X, Left, Circle. Jump:Cycle weapons left button + Cycle weapons right button (simultaneously) You cannot exceed the time limit of 24 seconds or the above cheat will reset.

  1. Shoot the box labeled Twisted Metal with your machine guns to reveal a remote bomb. Things to destroy in Moscow. Blow up the ramps by going to the purple taser beam. Place a remote bomb in the exact center and run. It will blow up all the ramps. Go up the ramp and shoot a napalm at the object hovering in the middle to blow up the remaining ramps.
  2. Uncharted 2 rules Interactive Achievement Awards, new Twisted Metal hinted at? DICE 2010: Naughty Dog's game takes home 10 trophies, including Game of the Year; Scribblenauts top portable, Batman.
  3. In a Twisted Metal game?! (Silver): Don't miss any gates and win the battle in Race #2, one player only. Remote Nuke (Silver): Kill 3 players with a single remote bomb. Right Place, Right Time (Bronze): Kill a player less than 5 seconds after you respawn, in an online game. Tantric Twisted (Gold): Reach 50 cars killed by yourself in Endurance mode.
  4. Category:Cheats Twisted Metal Wiki Fandom. Recently Changed Pages. Twisted Metal Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community.
  5. For Twisted Metal on the PlayStation, GameFAQs has 14 cheat codes and secrets. You can submit new cheats for this game and help our users gain an edge.


Total votes: 105
March 31, 2002 - 2:58pm

Level Passwords


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Start at Calypso's Blimp with Outlaw

Password: Left X L1 Up Start.

Special Moves

Ice BlastLeft Right Up
JumpUp Down Left
Back AttackLeft Right Back
Freeze MissileLeft Right Up
High JumpUp Up Left
Rear FireLeft Right Down
InvisibilityUp Down Left Right

Submitted by: Chris Coleman Jen Quinndog83

Unlimited Specials

Enter L1 L1 R1 R1 R1 as a password then start a new game and die. When you return you'll have unlimited specials.

Use Memory Card

At the Password screen press Start 5 times. Begin a game as usual but just before the game begins you will be prompted to save.
Submitted by: Quinndog83

Homing Raining Missiles

Enter Up Down Up Down Up at the password screen.
Submitted by: Quinndog83

New twisted metal game cheats codes

Enhanced Napalm

Enter R1 R1 L1 L1 L1 at the password screen.
Submitted by: Quinndog83


At the password screen enter Up Start Down L1 Square.
Submitted by: Quinndog83

Demo Level

Enter Up Up Up Left Left at the password screen.

Another Multiplayer Arena

At the password screen enter Square Square Square Left Left.
Submitted by: Quinndog83

Club Kid's House

At the password screen enter Left Left Left Square Square then go into Deathmatch.
Submitted by: Quinndog83

Sweet Tooth

Enter Circle Circle L1 L1 Start at the Password screen.
Submitted by: Rhonda

Play as Minion in Deathmatch

Password: Right Right Right Left Left
Submitted by: Abra456

Play as Sweet Tooth in Deathmatch

Password: Left Left Left Right Right
Submitted by: Abra456

Newest twisted metal game

God Mode

Enter L1 Square X R1 Start as a password.
Submitted by: Don Springer

Fight Aliens

In Hanger 18 go to the switch labeled 002. Turn left toward the blue thing and shoot it. You'll find a transporter go into it to find aliens and weapon pickups.
Submitted by: Brenda

Ice Mode

Up Up X X Up
Submitted by: Link105519

Warehouse 2 Deathmatch

Square Square Square Left Left
Submitted by: Link105519

Infinite Ammo

Password: Triangle Circle Up Right Down
Submitted by: Abra456

Smart Seekers

Password: Triangle Left Down Right Up
Submitted by: Abra456

A New Twisted Metal Game

Massive Force

Password: Triangle Circle Down Left Up
Submitted by: Abra456

99 Freeze Missiles

Password: Triangle Up Circle Right Start
Submitted by: Abra456

Giant Ricochet Bomb

Password: Left Right Left Right Up
Submitted by: Abra456

CPU Ignores Health

Password: Down L1 Down Start Triangle
Submitted by: Abra456

All Pickups are Power Missiles

Password: Start L1 Start L1 Start
Submitted by: Abra456

Flower Power Alternate Clothes

At the Character Selection screen press Left Square Square Square Left.

Warehouse Level

Password: Square Square Square Left Left

Unlock Primeval

Beat the game with Mr.Grimm.At the password screen type Triangal,square,up,down,right
Submitted by Zac

New twisted metal game


In the dessert level fire at the sphinx face for a suprise.
Submitted by Cody Nelson

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Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PlayStation 2 cheats we have available for Twisted Metal: Black.

Get Yellow Jacket

To get a Yellow Jacket you must blow up the plane flying around, once you hit it go behind the big building with the big cliff and there will be a Tunnel. Go in it and there will be a panel in the core. Blow it up and you unlock Yellow Jacket.

Unlocking A New Level

When playing the Downtown Level, you should lookfor the Skyskraper that has an elevator. You canblow open a passage through the skyscraper tofind this elevator. While on top of thebuilding, there is a place where you fall of thebuilding onto a sub-ledge. (You may have to findthe right place to fall because there is a placewhere you have to jump in order to find the darkcube.) Once you carefully fall of the building,you should have to jump across a ledge. Blow up alarge crate and inside should be the black cubethat either unlocks Minion Stadium or some otherlevel.

Kill The Inmates

Ps3 Twisted Metal Cheats

Go to the prison ship level and head to the front of the ship where the door to the asylumis. Face the door and turn around. There should be three inmates sitting in electric chairs. Below them is a box. Destroy the box and the inmates will be killed.

Prison Ship

In the suburbs go to the ferris wheel and turn tothe left. there is a gas keg at the top of thehill, if you keep going left there is a hill thatpoints towards the big water tower, hit it andtry to land on the building with the double deckroof just to the left of the building where youget warthog(?) go on the other side of it anddrive up it to the next building and use the L1-R1 jump to get to the next and hit the brakes.turn to the right and jump with L1/R1 to thebuilding towards the water. and then turn rightagain so the water is to your left. the nextbuilding is extremely easy to jump to so dontover do it, it may take a few tries but use theL1/R1 jump to get to it and youll find the prisonship level in one of the thingies on top of thatbuilding.


Warhawk is found in the junkyard, destroy the bigboy lookin guy hanging from the crane. after hefalls down there will be a ramp near the smashything, use the ramp to jump on the smashy thingand ride it to the top, blow up the building atthe top and jump over to it, to the left if yourelooking out over the junkyard will be the unlockfor warhawk's rooftop.

Translated Minion Codes

At the load screen for each level while playing asMinion, there are a bunch of numbers instead ofwords like with the other characters. Thesenumbers can be translated into words. The formulaused is 1=A, 2=B, 3=C, etc. Here are is what youget when you translate the numbers:
1. I do not think this is real. 2. I must speak incode or he will discover me. 3. We are trapped inhis head. 4. This is how he sees the world, howSweet Tooth sees his life, it is not real. 5. Allof us are trapped in his head. 6. I miss the oldcolorful world. 7. We will return to old world oneday. 8. In the real world my name is

Turn Easier

Turn the left knob the direction you want to goin and push the right knob toward you.

Unlocking A Level Through Snowy Roads

Play Snowy Roads on Story Mode and go near thegas station at the end. Go down the ledge and goup the last mountain exposing a black box. Driveat the black box unlocking a level, you will losea life though.

Unlock Manslaughter

On Story Mode, the 6th level, Prison Boat Passageunlocks Manslaughter. You enter the prison andgo near the boat. Find some blue crates andshoot them with a missle(not anything else or itwon't work) and a ramp will form. Go up the rampand shoo the ship opening a door revealingManslaughter.


Unlock Warthog

In the Suburbs head up to the Ferris wheel. (sayyou are facing the Ferris wheel head on from thefront) drive off to the left, you'll run overtrailers and see a hill in front of you and a gascan on the hill aim for this and launch off ofthat hill. Try to land on the first building infront of you. If you land just right you couldbreak open the roof and fall in but if not youshould be able to use the gas can to blow openthe top right hand corner (that direction isbased on you looking at the building while onroute to it off the hill) it should blow a holethru the roof....drop down in there and shoot thepanel to lower Warthog (formerly called WhiteKnight).

Shadow's 2nd Special

During gameplay go to shadow's special weapon andpress up three times. After doing this the driverwill pop up with a heavy duty machine gun andblow away your enemy's.

Minions Language

Minion has a strange way of speaking. His language is simply in numbers. To decipherthe numbers you need to count the letters of the alphabet and match the numbers withthe letters. Still confused? Well 1 is a and b is 2. I recommend you have at least three other people to help you with this since the numbers appear fast on loading screens.

Axel's Spiked Wheels

You all know about axels shock wave but have youseen his spiked wheel special. Here's what you do.Go to his special and when you see an enemy pressup 3x and you will see his 2 wheel turn into onewide spiked wheel. The # of times you can use thespecial depends on how many you have.

Spectre And Shadow

- You've got an average amount of armor so don't be afraid to unleash upcloseand personal barrages once in a while. If you have a good supply of gas cans andpower missiles, you could really give the opponents a hard time.- One good tactic is to unleash a barrage of weapons directed to side of opponentcars. There is no side fire option in TM so far so opponents are open. If you havehigh health, try sticking to his or her side and tossing gas cans and otherpowerful weapons.- Your special has a good recharge rate so it don't be afraid to use it. Go for themax missile charge if possible ( count five blinks after all six missiles are lightedthen release. a max missile charge phrase appears in the screen and the missilesturn red if done correctly ). Just be sure not to waste them on dying opponentssince Roadkill's special is quite powerful and must be reserved for opponents witha big chunk of life left.- Besides the facts mentioned above ( about his special weapon ), there are a fewdetails that could really help you become an efficient Roadkill player. Here aresome more sample situations.a) although Roadkill's missiles home on an opponent, it does not have C curve orU curve homing capabilities when fired super close to the opponent. So if anopponent is heading towards and you have a charged special, remember to waittill he/she gets passed you ( or better yet, move towards him or her as well ) andbackfire your missiles. Some opponents tend to power slide so that the front oftheir vehicle faces you and procede to fire some shots your way but think howsuprised they are when they learn that you just hit them with a backfire special.b) if things get too chaotic that a possibility of wasting your special due toovercharging is eminent, don't fret! Simply shift to another weapon using yourweapon select buttons ( L1 and R1 as default.) That way, you can save yourspecial and simply re use it when the situation gives you a clearer shot.c) now here's another nifty trick you can use against the paranoid players! somepeople start executing shield when they see Roadkill charging his special inhopes of blocking the attack. In that case, just use tactic b) and re select and fireyour special right after his/her shield wears out. He/she won't have enoughenergy to execute another one so let em have it!!!!!

Find Axel

Go to the freeway level (in story mode)and find the repair station. Farther in front of it will be two cranes, one with a tube and one with a box like object. On the crane with the box will be a yellow operation box. Shoot it and the box will lower. Shoot it until it is destdoyed. Inside it will be axel.

Unlock Minion

To unlock Minion you have to beat the game with everyone (that includes the secret players).

Unlock Mini-Suburbs (In Multiplayer)

In survival mode on the drive in level, get 10kills.

New Twisted Metal Game

Unlock Freeway (In Multiplayer)

In survival mode on the snowy roads level, get 10kills.

Blow Up Buildings

You know those explosive balls in highway? Theyalso in the downtown area. Scan the walls, and whenyou find them fire a gas can at one. It willroll into a building and destroy it.


While in game play, hold L1+L2+R1+R2 and pressRight, Left, Down, Up. A messagesaying 'Invulnerability On' will appear at thetop of the screen.P.S This cheat also gives you infinite turbo.


During the game, hold R1+R2+L1+L2 and press X, X, Up.

Unlimited Health And Turbos

Set the control to 'Classic'. Hold L1+R1+L2+R2and quickly press Right, Left, Down, Up during gameplay. A message will appear and if the code is entered correctly.

God Mode

Any time during the game holdL1+R1+L2+R2+up,x,Left,circle.There will be amessage on top of your screen if you did it right.

Mega Guns

Hold L2+R1 and quickly type the following:Square, circle, Right(3), Left(2), Triangle,Triangle, X, X, X, L1, Square, Square, Down(2), Up(4), R2. This has to be done in play and makesall CPU cars float pretty high so yoh can seethem. This code lasts about 3.5 minutes anddisables all CPU cars from moving.

Special Freeze Attack

Hold L1 + R1 + L2 + R2 then quickly press right,left, up.

Land Mine

While playing a game press right, right, down.If it works you will see a blue shieldsurrounding your car.

Minion Special

Hold all top buttons durring the game and push right, left, up.

Mega Machine Guns

Set the control option 'Classic'. HoldL1+R1+L2+R2 and quickly press x(2), Triangleduring game play. A message will confirm correctcode entry.

Infinite Health

New Twisted Metal Game Cheats Codes

During gameplay:Hold L1+L2+R1+R2and press up,down,left,right,right,left,down,up.You don't have to press the buttons really fastin order to activate the code.

Change Weapons To Health

Hold L1+L2+R1+R2 and pressTriangle, X, Square, Circle. This will cause yourweapons to disapear and your health to fill up.

Killer Weapons

See Skyscrapers

Games Like Twisted Metal

Go to the final level (where you fight Warhawk).Then drive towards the building that the Tankercomes off. You will see a black cube right in theair. Drive and run into it.

Unlock Elevator Level

On the Highway Loop Level, go to the bridge witha gap. Go to the side farthest from the tunnel,turn left and use a gas tank on the closest bigball structure to the bridge. It will roll offand make a hole in the tunnel. Get the black cubein the hole. Should be done in Story mode.

Unlock Prison Ship Level

Select your best vehicle and go into EnduranceMode. Select the Zorko Bros. Junkyard level.Proceed to destroy fifteen vehicles without dyingonce.

We have no easter eggs for Twisted Metal: Black yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no glitches for Twisted Metal: Black yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

New Twisted Metal Game Cheats Xbox 360

Created by: A freak-of-nature.Read the full guide...

New Twisted Metal Game Cheats Xbox One

Created by: codeman1.Read the full guide...

Created by: gamemaster6007.Read the full guide...