Earthworm Jim Cheats Snes Game Genie

1. D4BE-4DA4 Start with computer, firearms skills at level 2
2. D7BE-4DA4 Start with computer, firearms skills at level 3

Game Genie Codes, GameShark & Pro Action Replay Codes for games on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System or SNES. (some codes are official and others are unofficial). Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Last. Earthworm Jim 2 Cheats and Cheat Codes, SNES. Web Media Network Limited, 1999 - 2020. This site is not affiliated in any way with Microsoft, Sony, Sega, Nintendo or any video game publishers. Official Game Genie Codes; 7D55-5F06: Start with 1 life and no continues 7055-5F06: Start with 5 lives 7155-5F06: Start with 7 lives 7655-5F06: Start with 9 lives CBF0-7464: Infinite lives 749E-54B4: Start with 2000 bullets 779E-54B4: Start with 3000 bullets 709E-54B4: Start with 4000 bullets 799E-54B4: Start with 5000 bullets 759E-54B4: Start. No Comments on Cheats for Earthworm Jim SNES; Cheat mode: Pause game play and press Left + A, B, X, A(2), B, X, A, Start. An option and information screen will appear allowing cheat mode (invincibility), level selection, pausing without a dim screen, or viewing the entire level. Level codes: Pause game play and enter one of the following. Retro game cheats for Earthworm Jim (Mega Drive). Freeola has over 100,000 cheat codes for 12,348 games. Earthworm Jim (SNES) Cheats. Earthworm Jim cheats, and Codes for SNES. Jump to: Cheat (6). Pause the game and press A, B, X, A, A + X, B + X, B + X, A + X. You'll start at the next level once.

3. D0BE-4DA4 Start with computer, firearms skills at level 4
4. D9BE-4DA4 Start with computer, firearms skills at level 5
5. D1BE-4DA4 Start with computer, firearms skills at level 6
6. 6DAE-4FA7 + FFAE-44D7 Everything is free
7. CEEF-4DDD Don't subtract karma for spells/skills (must have enough to advance)
8. CE6D-47A4 Don't subtract karma for shooting people--ignore message saying you lost karma
9. 8E69-3DA4 Don't subtract spell points (works for all spell casters). note: casting spells you aren't allowed to raises your spell points.
10. D4BC-4404 Start with 2 strength and charisma
Snes11. D0BC-4404 Start with 4 strength and charisma
12. D9BC-4404 Start with 5 strength and charisma
13. D1BC-4404 Start with 6 strength and charisma
14. 74B8-4DA4 Start with 50 stamina
15. 10B8-4DA4 Start with 100 stamina
16. F0E1-1FDD Going up 1 body point adds 20 stamina instead of 10
17. F3E1-1FDD Going up 1 body point adds 30 stamina instead of 10
18. DFBC-17AF + DEB8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF
Add 65,000 nuyen(tm) (if less than 65,000)
19. D4BC-17AF + DEB8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF
Add about 131,000 nuyen (if less than 65,000)
20. D6BC-17AF + DEB8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF
Add about 524,000 nuyen (if less than 65,000)
21. 10BC-17AF + DDB8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF
Set stamina to 100
22. A6BC-17AF + DDB8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF
Set stamina to 200
23. DCBC-17AF + EAB8-1D0F + 78B8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF
Set magic total possible to 10 (and spell points to 100)
24. F0BC-17AF + EAB8-1D0F + 78B8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF
Set total possible magic to 20 (and spell points to 200)
25. FBBC-17AF + EAB8-1D0F + 78B8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF
Set total possible magic to 25 (and spell points to 250)
26. D1BC-17AF + E2B8-1D0F + 78B8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF
Set strength to 6
27. D1BC-17AF + EEB8-1D0F + 78B8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF
Set charisma to 6
28. 9DBC-17AF + FFB8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF
Set karma to 10 (if karma is less than 32)
29. CDBC-17AF + FFB8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF
Set karma to 20 (if karma is less than 32)
30. EEBC-17AF + FFB8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF
Set karma to 31 (if karma is less than 32)
31. DFBC-17AF + F4B8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF
Add 32 karma (if karma is less than 32)
32. D4BC-17AF + F4B8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF
Add 64 karma (if karma is less than 32)
33. D7BC-17AF + F4B8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF
Add 96 karma (if karma is less than 32)
34. D1BC-17AF + F4B8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF
Add 192 karma (if karma is less than 32)
35. D1BC-17AF + D5B8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF
Learn powerball spell, level 6
36. D1BC-17AF + D6B8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF
Learn heal spell, level 6
37. D1BC-17AF + DBB8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF
Learn invisibility spell, level 6
38. D1BC-17AF + DCB8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF
Learn armor spell, level 6
39. D1BC-17AF + D8B8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF
Learn summon spirit spell, level 6
40. D1BC-17AF + DAB8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF
Learn freeze spell, level 6
41. D9BC-17AF + DFB8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF
Learn firearms skill, level 5
42. DCBC-17AF + DFB8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF
Learn firearms skill, level 10
43. DEBC-17AF + DFB8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF
Learn firearms skill, level 15
44. D1BC-17AF + D0B8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF
Learn computer skill, level 6
45. D1BC-17AF + D9B8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF
Learn leadership skill, level 6
46. D1BC-17AF + D7B8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF
Learn armed combat skill, level 6
47. D1BC-17AF + D4B8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF
Learn unarmed combat skill, level 6
48. D1BC-17AF + D1B8-1D0F + 7AB8-1D6F + 6EB8-1DDF + 53B8-1DAF
Learn negotiation skill, level 6

Earthworm Jim

Earthworm Jim

Cheat menu:
Pause game play and press A + Left, B(2), A + Right, B(2), A. The words 'Cheater!' will appear when the game is resumed to confirm correct code entry. A menu will appear with options for level selection, unlimited energy, and map check.
Cheat menu (alternate):
Pause game play and press A + B, C(2), A(2), B(2), B + C.
Full health:
Pause game play and press A, C(2), A, B(2), A, C, Start. The word 'cheater' will be spoken to confirm correct code entry. Note: This code may only be used once per level.
Level skip:
Pause game play and press A, B(2), A, A + C, A + B, A + B, A + C.
Level select:
Pause game play and press Left + A, B(2), A, Right + A, B(2), A.
Pause game play and press A, B(3), C, A, CheatsC(2). The word 'cheater' will be spoken to confirm correct code entry.
Extra continue:
Pause game play and press A, Left + B, A, B, A, B, C, A. The word 'cheater' will be spoken to confirm correct code entry.
Extra life:
Pause game play and press Up + B, B, A, C, A(4). The word 'cheater' will be spoken to confirm correct code entry. Alternately, pause game play and press B(2), C(2), A(4). Note: The alternate code can be enabled only once per level.
Debug mode:
Pause game play and press Left + A, B(2), A, Right + A, B(2), A. A picture of the development team will be displayed to confirm correct code entry.
Nine plasma guns:
Pause game play and press Down + C, A, B, C, A, B, A

Earthworm Jim Snes Cheats

, C.
Nine homing missiles:
Pause game play and press Right + A, A(2), B, A, C, B, A.
1000 rounds of ammunition:
Pause game play and press A, B(3), C, A, C(2). Alternately, press A + C, B(2), C, A + C, B(3).
Jump to last level:
Pause game play and press A + C, A + B, C(2), BCheats(2), A(2).
Donkey Kong head:
Pause game play and press Down + C, B, A, A, A, A, B

Earthworm Jim Snes Game Genie Codes

, C.
In-game reset:
Hold A + B + C and press Start during game play.
Level select:
Pause game play and enter one of the following codes to resume the game at the indicated level.

Game Genie Cheats Snes

What the Heck?A, Right, A, C(2), Left, Right, A
SnowmanRight(3), A, C, Left, Right, B
Evil the CatUp, Down, Right, C(2), Left, Right, B
Big BrutyC(3), Left(3), Right(2)
Down the TubesUp, Down, Left(2), Up(3), Down
Tube RaceUp(2), Left(2), Down, Left, Up, C
Snot a ProblemC, B, C, Right(2), Left, A, B
Snot a Problem 2Up, B, C, Down(3), A, C
Snot a Problem 3A, Up, C, Up(2), Down, C, A
LabA, B(2), Down, Right(2), Left, Right
Chicken PlummetsA, B, C, Up, Down(3), Right
Naked and Lovin' ItC, A, C, Left, Right, Up, Down, Right
For Pete's SakeA, B, C, A, B, A, Down, Right
Andy AsteroidsA, Left, A, C(3), B(2)
Andy Asteroids 2C, Down, A(2), Down, B(2), Down
Andy Asteroids 3A, Down, Left, A, C(2), A, B
Andy Asteroids 4A, Down, A(2), C(2), A, B
Andy Asteroids 5A, Left, A, C(2), Down, Up, A
Andy Asteroids 6A, Right, A(2), Right, B, Up, A
Intestinal DistressC(2), A, Right, Left, Right, B(2)
Who Turned Out the LightsA + C, B, Up, Left, Right(2), Left(2)
Who Turned Out the Lights 2A, B, Up, B, Left, Right, C, Up
Who Turned Out the Lights 3A, B, C, Up, Left, A, Right(2)
Who Turned Out the Lights 4A, C, Up, Left, C, Right, Left, B
Who Turned Out the Lights 5C, B, Up, Down, Left, Right(2), Left
Queen of ButtvilleA, C, Left, Right, B, Left(2)
Buttville HelicopterB(2), Down(2), A, Right(2), Down
PsycrowC, B, Up, Down(2), Right, Down, Right

Earthworm Jim 2 Cheats