Bob Cheat Game Shark Codes

Pokémon TCG Gameboy - Gameshark Codes

PoJo Note: We've got a HUGE update for you guys and gals!! As always keep the codes and tips coming.
Have Fun! Aaron

Here's the codes for all Promo cards (including the legendary cards) as the
11th card on every pack:

If you switch towns using the Bart/ Milhouse button, Bob will appear almost straight away. Click on him then click friends town again, (same button as before) keep repeating this process and continue to visit other Springfield without going home. Bob will continue. This is a list of cheat codes for Friends of Mineral Town AND More Friends of Mineral Town. This page needs split into two. There is no way for the reader to distinguish between the Gameshark codes of these games. Please use with caution as entering the wrong game's codes can and will corrupt and delete your save files Gameshark codes can be used with a Gameshark system, or on an emulated GBA. Cheats (Dudaw's Gameshark Codes) Cheat Code Debug Control 81269BD8 0C09 81269BDA 5FAB. (Bob-ombs come from snow trees) 812B0A02 3174 812B0A0E 00BC NOTE: A modification of one of Yoshielectron's codes. Attack Of The Chain-Chomps! (Three Goomba sets are replaced with Chain-Chomps) 812FF34E 478C 812FF352 0066 Walking Shy Guys 802FF353 00DC NOTE. Here i have all my gameshark codes for super mario64. These first codes where given to me by supermario803 and i greatly thank them. Ride Yoshi (YE) 8134209C 80E 4E28 813420C4 8015 813420C6 0BE D0BC Pick Up Yoshi (YE) 813 80341BDD 0019 81341BDE 4E28 813 81341C06 0B74 80341CF9 0000 80341CFB 0002. GameShark Codes. A Gameshark is a cheating device cartridge which you can purchase from sites such as ebay (as they are old now and probably only available second hand) which allow you to enter in various codes for a range of different enhancements or cheats in your game.

  • #P01 Pokemon League Edition Arcanine => 013700C4
    #P02 Legendary Moltres => 014000C4
    #P03 Legendary Articuno => 015F00C4
    #P04 Ivy Pikachu => 016200C4
    #P05 Jumping Pikachu => 016300C4
    #P06 Flying Pikachu => 016400C4
    #P07 Surfing Pikachu => 016500C4
    #P08 Mt. Fuji Surfing Pikachu => 016600C4
    #P09 Movie Electabuzz => 017000C4
    #P10 Legendary Zapdos => 017600C4
    #P11 Slowpoke => 019100C4
    #P12 Movie Mewtwo => 019E00C4
    #P13 Video Mewtwo => 019F00C4
    #P14 Lilypad Mew => 01A000C4
    #P15 Pokemon 1st Movie CD Jigglypuff => 01AD00C4
    #P16 Legendary Dragonite => 013700C4
    #P17 Trainer: Imakuni? => 01C800C4
    #P18 Trainer: Super Energy Retrieval => 01CE00C4
    #PXX Card Pop: Pokemon TCG Guide Venusuar
    #PXX Card pop: Illusion Mew

I hacked a code that modifies the first card in a booster pack. So, whenever you receive a booster pack, the top card will be the one designated. You can even use this for the Phantom Cards (03 and A1):

  • The code is: 01??00C4
    Also, for infinite boosterpacks in the mail, enter these codes:

Get infinate any booster pack in PC:

  • 01811ED1 colosseum
    01851FD1 evolution
    018420D1 mystery
    018221D1 laboratory
    Choose cards in booster pack:
    01??00C4 first slot
    01??01C4 second slot
    01??02C4 third slot
    01??03C4 fourth slot
    01??04C4 fifth slot
    01??05C4 sixth slot
    01??06C4 seventh slot
    01??07C4 eighth slot
    01??08C4 ninth slot
    01??09C4 tenth slot

If you don't like to battle, and want to win easily, use this code:

  • 0100C8C3
    This code makes your opponent's active Pokemon faint if you attack them or
    they attack you. =)

I have another gameshark code for TCG catridge.

  • Modify 1st card in a booster pack:
    Substitute the xx for #'s like you did for the code to
    add a card.

Alright, here's a nice little cheat for ye. =)

  • For infinite booster packs in the mail, use the codes:
    To modify the first card in a booster pack (actually it just adds an
    extra card, you still get the rares ;) use
    This works like the pokemon codes for red blue and yellow. Replace the
    XX's with the code for any card. The codes go in the same order as the
    card list in the deck building menu, starting with energy.
    Code list:
    01 Grass Energy
    02 Fire Energy
    03 Water Energy
    04 Lightning Energy
    05 Fighting Energy
    06 Psycic Energy
    07 Double Colorless Energy
    08 Bulbasaur
    09 Ivysaur
    0A Card Pop Venusaur
    0B Venusaur
    0C Caterpie...
    It continues in the same pattern, I'm not sure how far it goes. For a
    Card Pop Mew, use A1 as the modifier digits. -Te'nala

Here is the list that Te'nala didn't include when using his booster pack
modification code.

  • 01 Grass Energy
    02 Fire Energy
    03 Water Energy
    04 Lightning Energy
    05 Fighting Energy
    06 Psychic Energy
    07 Double Colorless Energy
    08 Bulbasaur L13
    09 Ivysaur L20
    0A GB Venusaur L64
    0B Venusaur L67
    0C Caterpie L13
    0D Metapod L21
    0E Butterfree L28
    0F Weedle L12
    10 Kakuna L23
    11 Beedrill L32
    12 Ekans L10
    13 Arbok L27
    14 Nidoran(F) L13
    15 Nidorina L24
    16 Nidoqueen L43
    17 Nidoran(M) L20
    18 Nidorino L25
    19 Nidoking L48
    1A Zubat L10
    1B Golbat L29
    1C Oddish L8
    1D Gloom L22
    1E Vileplume L35
    1F Paras L8
    20 Parasect L28
    21 Venonat L12
    22 Venomoth L28
    23 Bellsprout L11
    24 Weepinbell L20
    25 Victreebel L42
    26 Grimer L17
    27 Muk L34
    28 Exeggcute L14
    29 Exeggutor L35
    2A Koffing L13
    2B Weezing L27
    2C Tangela L8
    2D GB Tangela L12
    2E Scyther L25
    2F Pinsir L24
    30 Charmander L10
    31 Charmeleon L32
    32 Charizard L76
    33 Vulpix L11
    34 Ninetales L32
    35 GB Ninetales L35
    36 Growlithe L10
    37 Arcanine L34
    38 GB Arcanine L45
    39 Ponyta L10
    3A Rapidash L33
    3B Magmar L24
    3C Magmar L31
    3D GB Flareon L22
    3E Flareon L28
    3F Moltres L35
    40 GB Moltres L37
    41 Squirtle L8
    42 Wartortle L22
    43 Blastoise L52
    44 Psyduck L15
    45 Golduck L27
    46 Poliwag L13
    47 Poliwhirl L28
    48 Poliwrath L48
    49 Tentacool L10
    4A Tentacruel L21
    4B Seel L12
    4C Dewgong L42
    4D Shellder L8
    4E Cloyster L25
    4F Krabby L20
    50 Kingler L27
    51 Horsea L19
    52 Seadra L23
    53 Goldeen L12
    54 Seaking L28
    55 Staryu L15
    56 Starmie L28
    57 Magikarp L8
    58 Gyarados L41
    59 Lapras L31
    5A Vaporeon L29
    5B Vaporeon L42
    5C Omanyte L19
    5D Omastar L32
    5E Articuno L35
    5F GB Articuno L37
    60 Pikachu L12
    61 Pikachu L14
    62 Pikachu L16
    63 Pikachu L16
    (No. This is not a double print. This one is jumping through the air.)
    64 Flying Pikachu L12
    65 Surfing Pikachu L13
    66 Surfing Pikachu L13
    (Yes. This looks like the same card to me.)
    67 Raichu L40
    68 Raichu L45
    69 Magnemite L13
    6A GB Magnemite L15
    6B Magneton L28
    6C Magneton L35
    6D Voltorb L10
    6E GB Electrode L35
    6F Electrode L42
    70 Electabuzz L20
    71 Electabuzz L35
    72 GB Jolteon L22
    73 Jolteon L29
    74 Zapdos L40
    75 Zapdos L64
    76 GB Zapdos L68
    77 Sandshrew L12
    78 Sandslash L33
    79 Diglett L8
    7A Dugtrio L36
    7B Mankey L7
    7C Primeape L35
    7D Machop L20
    7E Machoke L40
    7F Machamp L67
    80 Geodude L16
    81 Graveller L29
    82 Golem L36
    83 Onix L12
    84 Cubone L13
    85 Marowak L26
    86 GB Marowak L32
    87 Hitmonlee L30
    88 Hitmonchan L33
    89 Rhyhorn L18
    8A Rhydon L48
    8B Kabuto L9
    8C Kabutops L30
    8D Aerodactyl L28
    8E Abra L10
    8F Kadabra L38
    90 Alakazam L42
    91 Slowpoke L9
    92 Slowpoke L18
    93 Slowbro L26
    94 Gastly L8
    95 Gastly L17
    96 Haunter L17
    97 Haunter L22
    98 Gengar L38
    99 Drowzee L12
    9A Hypno L36
    9B Mr. Mime L28
    9C Jynx L23
    9D Mewtwo L53
    9E Mewtwo L60
    9F Mewtwo L60
    (Again, it looks like a double, but the latter has a fiery aura around it.)
    A0 Mew L8
    A1 GB Mew L15
    A2 Mew L23
    A3 Pidgey L8
    A4 Pidgeotto L36
    A5 GB Pidgeot L38
    A6 Pidgeot L40
    A7 Rattata L9
    A8 Raticate L41
    A9 Spearow L13
    AA Fearow L27
    AB Clefairy L14
    AC Clefable L34
    AD Jigglypuff L12
    AE GB Jigglypuff L13
    AF Jigglypuff L14
    B0 Wigglytuff L36
    B1 GB Meowth L14
    B2 Meowth L15
    B3 Persian L25
    B4 Farfetche'd L20
    B5 Doduo L10
    B6 Dodrio L28
    B7 Lickitung L26
    B8 Chansey L55
    B9 Kangaskhan L40
    BA Tauros L32
    BB GB Ditto L19
    BC Eevee L12
    BD Porygon L12
    BE Snorlax L20
    BF Dratini L10
    C0 Dragonair L33
    C1 GB Dragonite L41
    C2 Dragonite L45
    C3 Professor Oak
    C4 Imposter Professor Oak
    C5 Bill
    C6 Mr. Fuji
    C7 Lass
    C8 Imakuni?
    C9 Pokemon Trader
    CA Pokemon Breeder
    CB Clefairy Doll
    CC Mysterious Fossil
    CD Energy Retrieval
    CE Super Enerergy Retrieval
    CF Energy Search
    D0 Energy Removal
    D1 Super Energy Removal
    D2 Switch
    D3 Pokemon Center
    D4 Poke Ball
    D5 Scoop Up
    D6 Computer Search
    D7 Pokedex
    D8 PlusPower
    D9 Defender
    DA Item Finder
    DB Gust of Wind
    DC Devolution Spray
    DD Potion
    DE Super Potion
    DF Full Heal
    E0 Revive
    E1 Maintenance
    E2 Pokemon Flute
    E3 Gambler
    E4 Recycle
    Hope this helps you win your battles. My suggestion is to go to the Prof's
    Lab with Te'nala's Infinte Boosters Codes, and then go to the computer and
    keep reading the mail that is there until you get as many of the card that
    you are looking for that you want.

Hi Everyone,

Here i have all my gameshark codes for super mario64

These first codes where given to me by supermario803 and i greatly thank them

Ride Yoshi (YE)
8134209C 8019
8134209E 4E28
813420C4 8015
813420C6 0B74
8134225E D0BC
Pick Up Yoshi (YE)
81341C56 0449
80341BDD 0019
81341BDE 4E28
81341C04 8015
81341C06 0B74
80341CF9 0000
80341CFB 0002
81341D96 F3B4
81341D9E F3B4
80341D9B 0001
Talk To Yoshi (YE)
813422FC 8019
813422FE 4E28
81342324 8015
81342326 00CC
Yoshi Attacks Like Flying Shy Guy (YE)
813422FC 8019
813422FE 4E28
81342324 8015
81342326 0B74
81342376 2049
813424BE F8A0
813424F6 F85C
Play As Yoshi (YE)
8134B89C 8019
8134B89E 4E28
8134B8C4 8015
8134B8C6 0B74
Yoshi Color Codes: The main code is there with some variables in it. It tells below what to replace the variables with for the different colors. I had to do it like this because it would be too long and it would tell me to change me description if I put them all out seperately.
Yoshi Color Codes Main Code:
8014A245 0000
8114A246 wwww
8014A24D 0000
8114A24E xxxx
8014A185 0000
8114A186 wwww
8014A18D 0000
8114A18E xxxx
8014E1BD 0000
8114E1BE wwww
8014E1C5 0000
8114E1C6 xxxx
8014E305 0000
8114E306 wwww
8014E30D 0000
8114E30E xxxx
8014E3A5 0000
8114E3A6 wwww
8014E3AD 0000
8114E3AE xxxx
8014E445 0000
8114E446 wwww
8014E44D 0000
8114E44E xxxx
8014E58D 0000
8114E58E wwww
8014E595 0000
8114E596 xxxx
8014E62D 0000
8114E62E wwww
8014E635 0000
8114E636 xxxx
8014E8BD 0000
8114E8BE wwww
8014E8C5 0000
8114E8C6 xxxx
8014EA05 0000
8114EA06 wwww
8014EA0D 0000
8114EA0E xxxx
8014EB65 0000
8114EB66 wwww
8014EB6D 0000
8114EB6E xxxx
8014EE8D 0000
8114EE8E wwww
8014EE95 0000
8114EE96 xxxx
8014EFD5 0000
8114EFD6 wwww
8014EFDD 0000
8114EFDE xxxx
8014F135 0000
8114F136 wwww
8014F13D 0000
8114F13E xxxx
8014F335 0000
8114F336 wwww
8014F33D 0000
8114F33E xxxx
8014E6CF 00yy
8014E6D7 00zz
8014EC9F 00yy
8014ECA7 00zz
Yellow Yoshi variables: (YE)
wwww = 0A18
xxxx = 0A10
yy = C8
zz = C0
White Yoshi variables: (SM803)
wwww = 0A18
xxxx = 0E10
yy = CA
zz = C2
Red Yoshi variables: (SM803)
wwww = 00BB
xxxx = 00BB
yy = C9
zz = C1
Pink Yoshi variables: (SM803)
wwww = 0B12
xxxx = 0B20
yy = 9B
zz = 64
Purple Yoshi variables: (SM803)
wwww = DDDD
xxxx = DDDD
yy = D9
zz = C4
Light Blue Yoshi variables: (SM803)
wwww = 0C1C
xxxx = 0C11
yy = 78
zz = 70
Black Yoshi variables: (SM803)
wwww = 00AA
xxxx = 00AA
yy = C8
zz = B0
Orange Yoshi variables: (SM803)
wwww = 0A18
xxxx = 0710
yy = C9
zz = C1
Dark Blue Yoshi variables: (SM803)
wwww = 0A20
xxxx = 0A12
yy = C7
zz = BF
Yoshi Egg in Wet - Dry World (YE)
80346C8B 0025
81346C9C 8018
81346C9E C0A0
81346CB4 4080
81346CB8 4080
81346E5E BA60
Pick up Toad (YE)
8134209C 8019
8134209E 56A4
813420C4 8015
813420C6 B690
80342207 00FF
803421B9 0000
803421BB 0002
81342116 0449
81342256 F3B4
8134225E F3B4
8034225B 0001
Play as Toad (YE)
8134B89C 8019
8134B89E 56A4
8134B8C4 8015
8134B8C6 B690
8034BA07 00FF
Goomba Peach (YE)
80341BDD 0019
81341BDE 4690
81341C04 8013
81341C06 9360
80341D47 00FF
80341CF9 0040
80341D4B 0008
You can change the last number from 8 to whatever you want to determine how much damage Peach will do.
Boo Peach (YE)
8034209D 0019
8134209E 4690
813420C4 8013
813420C6 9360
81342256 D8DC
8134225E D8DC
81342116 2049
Flying Shy Guy Peach (Mary Poppins) (YE)
8134209C 8019
8134209E 4690
813420C4 8013
813420C6 9360
80342207 00FF
8134225E F8A0
81342116 2041
Play as Peach (YE)
8134B89C 8019
8134B89E 4690
8134B8C4 8013
8134B8C6 9360
8034BA07 00FF
Talk to Peach (YE)
81341C68 C216
81341C6C 444A
81341C70 C52B
80341BDD 0019
81341BDE 4690
81341C04 8013
81341C06 9360
80341D47 00FF
80341D0F 0014
Brown - Haired Peach (Daisy) (YE)
80132524 0004
8013252C 0004
81132526 0080
8113252E 0078
801344B4 0004
801344BC 0004
811344B6 0080
811344BE 0078
The Mario Color Code (SM803)
8107EC40 0077
8107EC42 2200
8107EC38 0077
8107EC3A 2200
8107EC20 8800
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 8800
8107EC2A 0000
8107EC50 0000
8107EC52 0000
8107EC58 0000
8107EC5A 0000
8107EC70 0033
8107EC72 AA00
8107EC68 0033
8107EC6A AA00
8107ECA0 0000
8107ECA2 9900
8107EC98 0000
8107EC9A 9900
Pick up Peach (YE)
81341C56 0449
80341BDD 0019
81341BDE 4690
81341C04 8013
81341C06 9360
80341D47 00FF
80341CF9 0000
80341CFB 0002
81341D96 F3B4
81341D9E F3B4
80341D9B 0001
Ride Peach (YE)
8134209C 8019
8134209E 4690
813420C4 8014
813420C6 2190
80342207 00FF
8134225E D0BC
Giant Peach (YE)
813424B6 B200
813424BE B200
813422FC 8019
813422FE 4690
81342324 8013
81342326 9360
80342467 00FF
80342419 0000
Play as Bob Omb (YE)
8134FFDC 8018
8134FFDE D47C
81350004 8018
81350006 6CEC
(Works on Bob Omb Battlefield - Star 1)
Play As Bob Omb Buddy (YE)
8134FFDC 8018
8134FFDE D6C8
81350004 8018
81350006 6CEC
(Works on Bob Omb Battlefield - Star 1)
Bob Omb Buddy Attacks (YE)
8134E776 E320
8134E77E E320
8034E6EF 0000
Climb Cannonballs (YE)
8034EB9B 0040
8034EDFB 0040
8034F05B 0040
(only works on balls in that pit shown on video)
Play As Goomba (YE)
8135023C 8018
8135023E D22C
81350264 8018
81350266 0F24
(Works on Bob Omb Battlefield - Star 3)
Play As King Bob Omb (YE)
8134FFDC 8018
8134FFDE E15C
81350004 8013
81350006 C6D8
(Works on Bob Omb Battlefield - Star 1)
Play As Koopa (YE)
8135049C 8018
8135049E EB54
813504C4 8014
813504C6 D0AC
(Works on Bob Omb Battlefield - Star 2)
Pick Up Koopa (YE)
8134573E EB54
81345766 D0AC
81345764 8014
81345754 4040
81345758 4040
8134575C 4040
(Works on Bob Omb Battlefield - Star 3)
1st Goomba Becomes Chain Chomp (O)
813401A4 0000
813401A6 0000
813401BC 8018
813401BE F02C
813401E4 8016
813401E6 2E20
81340374 800E
81340376 F958
8134038C 800E
8134038E F958
2nd Goomba Becomes Chain Chomp (O)
81340404 0000
81340406 0000
8134041C 8018
8134041E F02C
81340444 8016
81340446 2E20
813405D4 800E
813405D6 F958
813405EC 800E
813405EE F958
Pick Up Chain Chomp (YE)
8134573E F02C
81345764 8016
81345766 2E20
(Works on Bob Omb Battlefield - Star 1)
Play As Chain Chomp (YE)
8134FFDC 8018
8134FFDE F02C
81350004 8016
81350006 2E20
(Works on Bob Omb Battlefield - Star 1)
Pac Man Chain Chomp (YE)
80161D06 0023
80161D04 0004
801623C4 0004
801623C6 0023
801629D0 00B8
80162C30 00B8
Icy Chain Chomp (SM803)
80161D06 00FF
80161D04 0004
801623C4 0004
801623C6 00FF
Water Chain Chomp (SM803)
80161D06 006D
80161D04 0037
801623C4 0037
801623C6 006D
Iron Chain Chomp (SM803)
80161D06 003C
80161D04 0058
801623C4 0058
801623C6 003C
My Color Code (SM803)
8107EC40 00C8
8107EC42 C800
8107EC38 00C8
8107EC3A C800
8107EC20 0074
8107EC22 1200
8107EC28 0074
8107EC2A 1200
8107EC70 EC35
8107EC72 0000
8107EC68 EC35
8107EC6A 0000
8107EC50 DB5A
8107EC52 0000
8107EC58 DB5A
8107EC5A 0000
8107ECA0 960B
8107ECA2 0000
8107EC98 960B
8107EC9A 0000
Hover Jump (O)
8133B1BD 0000
Walk on Lava (O)
81250900 1000
Blarrg Appears (YE)
8133E9FC 8018
8133E9FE A15C
8133EA24 8014
8133EA26 9A10
8133EA14 4000
8133EA18 4000
8133EA1C 4000
8133EA88 C5A8
8133EA8C 421A
8133EA90 45B0
8033EB19 0020
8133EBE0 4406
8033EB6B 0002
Lava Mario (SM803)
8107EC20 AA00
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 FF00
8107EC2A 0000
8107EC40 F048
8107EC42 0000
8107EC38 F048
8107EC3A 0000
8107ECA0 AA00
8107ECA2 0000
8107EC98 AA00
8107EC9A 0000
8107EC50 F872
8107EC52 3030
8107EC58 F872
8107EC5A 3030
8107EC70 F048
8107EC72 0000
8107EC68 F048
8107EC6A 0000
Play As Blarrg (YE)
8134D05C 8018
8134D05E A15C
8134D084 8014
8134D086 9A10
(Works on Lethal Lava Land - Star 1)
Ride Blarrg (YE)
8134125C 8017
8134125E 58C0
81341284 8013
81341286 6620
8134141E D0BC
8034124B 0021
(Works on 2nd Bowser lvl)
Play As Lava Spider (YE)
8134A7FC 8017
8134A7FE 5F00
8134A824 8014
8134A826 BA4C
(Works on 2nd Bowser lvl)
Play As Bowser (YE)
813408DC 8018
813408DE 3C10
81340904 8015
81340906 05B0
80340A47 00FF
(Works on 3rd Bowser boss area)
The main code for Bowser sizes is right here with some Xs. You can replace the Xs with the numbers below to change Bowser's size.
Bowser Size Main Code:
8133D4B4 xxxx
8133D4B8 xxxx
8133D4BC xxxx
Tiny Bowser (YE)
xxxx = 3E80
Small Bowser (YE)
xxxx = 3F40
Normal Bowser (YE)
xxxx = 3F80
Large Bowser (YE)
xxxx = 3FC0
Very Large Bowser (YE)
xxxx = 4000
Giant Bowser (YE)
xxxx = 4040
Super Giant Bowser (YE)
xxxx = 4200
Walk on Water (O)
81381764 0800
81381766 0024
81000090 3C04
81000092 8034
81000094 8484
81000096 B1E6
81000098 4484
8100009A 3000
810000A0 4680
810000A2 3120
810000A4 4604
810000A6 903C
810000AC 4500
810000AE 0002
810000B4 4600
810000B6 2486
810000B8 080E
810000BA 05DB
810000BC E712
Walk Underwater (O)
A1253DAC 0000
A1253DAE 0000
A1253DB0 0000
A1253DB2 0000
Extremely High Water in Wet Dry World (O)
8136118A 4000
Play As Fish (O)
8133B4D6 8F40
No Water (O)
81361184 0000
81361186 0000
Ride Pond Skater (YE)
8133D49C 8017
8133D49E F5E8
8133D4C4 8014
8133D4C6 2BF0
8133D65E D0BC
(Works in Jolly Roger Bay)
Pond Skater Jackpot (YE)
80346703 0064
(Works on Wet Dry World - Star 1)
Pick Up Sea Monster (YE)
813414BC 8018
813414BE 88F8
813414E4 8015
813414E6 608C
81341536 0449
803415D9 0000
803415DB 0002
8134167E F3B4
(Works on Big Boo's Haunt - Star 1)
Play As Sea Monster (YE)
8135153C 8017
8135153E E898
81351564 8014
81351566 BE9C
(Works on any star in Hazy Maze Cave but works best on star 1)
Play As Giant Eel (YE)
8134FB1C 8017
8134FB1E ED88
8134FB44 8013
8134FB46 A8BC
812535BE 4000
812535C2 4000
812535CA 4000
(Works on Jolly Roger Bay - Star 1)
Play As Shark (YE)
813414BC 8018
813414BE 8C28
813414E4 8013
813414E6 CACC
(Works on Dire Dire Docks - Star 1)
Water Mario (SM803)
8107EC40 00C8
8107EC42 C800
8107EC38 00C8
8107EC3A C800
8107ECA0 0021
8107ECA2 D500
8107EC98 0021
8107EC9A D500
8107EC50 00C8
8107EC52 5A00
8107EC58 00C8
8107EC5A 5A00
8107EC70 00B6
8107EC72 3A00
8107EC68 00B6
8107EC6A 3A00
Changing Textures (SM803)
8133B424 82F5
Moon Jump (O)
D033AFA1 0020
8133B1BC 4220
D033AFA1 0020
8133B17C 0300
D033AFA1 0020
8133B17E 0880
(For this code, you push L to do the moon jump. This one is better than the original code. It doesn't have the annoying glitches like not being able to save or go into Big Boo's Haunt and other stuff.)
Floating Mario (YE)
8133B220 05BD
Invisible Mario (O)
8033B220 0020
No Shadow (O)
810F0860 3E80
Play As Big Boo (YE)
8134BAFC 8018
8134BAFE 7A3C
8034BC67 00FF
812535BE 4080
812535C2 4080
812535CA 4080
(Works on Big Boo's Haunt - Star 5. If you just turn it on in the level, you'll be a normal-sized Boo. To play as Big Boo, turn on the code before you start your file and then turn it off. When you start your file, you'll be big. Then go to the level and turn it on again, and you'll be playing Big Boo. Or you could use turn it on before you start the file, then use level select to go straight to the level.)
Play As Book (YE)
8134B17C 8018
8134B17E 7D10
8134B1A4 8013
8134B1A6 9674
(Works on Big Boo's Haunt - Star 1)
Play As Piano (YE)
8134B17C 8018
8134B17E 7C5C
8134B1A4 8014
8134B1A6 0D7C
(Works on Big Boo's Haunt - Star 1)
Play As Boo (YE)
8134385C 8018
8134385E DF64
803439C7 00FF
(Works on Peach's Secret Slide)
Battle Of The Ghost Wing Caps (YE)
810EE466 2049
810EE498 802C
810EE49A 51D4
8133B6C0 800F
8133B6C2 97D0
810EE490 103E
810EE492 0002
(It replaces all the signs in the game with ghost wing caps)
Ride Goomba (YE)
8134067C 8019
8134067E 237C
813406A4 8018
813406A6 6074
8134083E D0BC
(Works on Whomp's Fortress - star 1)
Whomp-Thwomp Mario (SM803)
8107EC20 7474
8107EC22 7400
8107EC28 7474
8107EC2A 7400
8107EC40 0054
8107EC42 8500
8107EC38 0054
8107EC3A 8500
8107EC50 7474
8107EC52 7400
8107EC58 7474
8107EC5A 7400
8107EC70 0054
8107EC72 8500
8107EC68 0054
8107EC6A 8500
(Color code)
Play As Bullet Bill (YE)
8133B4D4 8019
8133B4D6 324C
(This code works on any star in Whomp's Fortress but the game will freeze when you exit the level, even when you turn the code off, unless you use the next code.)
Play As Bullet Bill Safety Code (YE)
8133B4D4 800F
8133B4D6 0860
(When you want to exit Whomp's Fortress, turn off Play As Bullet Bill then turn this code on. Then once you leave the level, you can turn this code back off and the game won't freeze.)
King Whomps Replace Signs (YE)
8133188A 2BB8
8133188C 0067
(Works on Whomp's Fortress and a few other worlds)
Play As Whomp (YE)
8134BD5C 8019
8134BD5E 3C5C
8134BD84 8016
8134BD86 37FC
(Works on Whomp's Fortress - star 1)
Play As Thwomp (YE)
8134BD5C 8019
8134BD5E 374C
(Works on Whomp's Fortress - star 1)
Play As Koopa Without Shell (YE)
8134BD5C 8019
8134BD5E 410C
8134BD84 8015
8134BD86 3068
(Works on Whomp's Fortress - star 1)
Play As Owl (YE)
8134D2BC 8019
8134D2BE 32BC
8134D2E4 8013
8134D2E6 2A6C
(Works on Whomp's Fortress - star 5)
Play As Pirahna Plant (YE)
8134BD5C 8019
8134BD5E 3A58
8134BD84 8015
8134BD86 E444
(Works on Whomp's Fortress - star 1)
Press GS Button For 99 Coins (O)
8933B218 0063
(To activate, push the button on your gameshark or if you're using an emulator, press the button set to the Gameshark button.)
Press GS Button For 255 Coins (O)
8933B218 00FF
(Activated the same way as the above code)
Play As Coin (O)
8133B4D6 8AA4
Coin Colors Mario (SM803)
8107EC40 0000
8107EC42 7800
8107EC38 0000
8107EC3A 7800
8107EC20 8B8B
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 8B8B
8107EC2A 0000
8107EC50 9300
8107EC52 0000
8107EC58 9300
8107EC5A 0000
8107EC70 9300
8107EC72 0000
8107EC68 9300
8107EC6A 0000
Lakitus Give Coins (YE)
81302D16 0984
Play As Spinning Blue Coin (YE)
8035022B 0025
8135023E 9464
8135023C 800F
810EE060 802A
810EE062 B70C
(Works on Bob Omb Battlefield - star 3)
Goomba Jackpots (YE)
803328C7 0020
(You can change the value of this code to make more or less coins come out of goombas but too many coins will make the game freeze.)
Koopas Replace Some Coins (YE)
802A1BA7 0068
812A1BAE 4580
(Koopas come out of some stuff instead of coins like goombas, big boxes, and posts.)
Snifits Give Coins (YE)
8130DC16 0984
8130DC1A 0000
Coins Come Out When Mario Hits Stuff (YE)
812AC68E 09A4
812AC69A 0074
812AC88E 09A4
812AC89A 0074
(When you slam or hit a wall the right way, coins will appear.)
Chain Chomps Come Out Of Red Coins (YE)
812E5CAA 478C
812E5CAE 0066
(Works on Bob Omb Battlefield and Whomp's Fortress)
Poison 1up Mushrooms (YE)
(1up mushrooms take away 1 life)
Play As 1up Mushroom (O)
8133B4D6 9BF4
Deadly 1up Mushrooms (YE)
812F3CA0 A1C0
812F3CA2 00AE
(1up mushrooms kill you)
1up Mushrooms From Bowser's Fire (YE)
812B8AE6 4010
812B8AF2 00D4
Press L To Spawn 1up Mushrooms (YE)
8133D2D0 27BD
8133D2D2 FFE8
8133D2D4 AFBF
8133D2D6 0014
8133D2D8 3C0A
8133D2DA 8034
8133D2DC 814A
8133D2DE AFA1
8133D2E0 2408
8133D2E2 0020
8133D2E4 1148
8133D2E6 0003
8133D2E8 8FBF
8133D2EA 0014
8133D2EC 27BD
8133D2EE 0018
8133D2F0 03E0
8133D2F2 0008
8133D2F4 3C04
8133D2F6 8036
8133D2F8 8C84
8133D2FA 1160
8133D2FC 2405
8133D2FE 00D4
8133D300 3C06
8133D302 1300
8133D304 0C0A
8133D306 7B73
8133D308 24C6
8133D30A 4010
8133D30C 8FBF
8133D30E 0014
8133D310 27BD
8133D312 0018
8133D314 03E0
8133D316 0008
810EE060 8033
810EE062 D2D0
1up Mushrooms From Trees (YE)
812B0ABA 4010
812B0AC6 00D4
Flying Shy Guy Toad (YE)
8134209C 8019
8134209E 56A4
80342207 00FF
813420C4 8015
813420C6 A53C
81342116 2049
8134225E F8A0
Mushroom Mario (SM803)
8107EC40 0083
8107EC42 2400
8107EC38 0083
8107EC3A 2400
8107EC20 B4B4
8107EC22 B400
8107EC28 B4B4
8107EC2A B400
8107EC70 0083
8107EC72 2400
8107EC68 0083
8107EC6A 2400
8107ECA0 B4B4
8107ECA2 B400
8107EC98 B4B4
8107EC9A B400
Chuk-yas From Wing Cap Blocks (YE)
81330BA2 00DF
81330BA6 0528
Lots Of Goombas From Goombas (YE)
802A1BA7 00C0
812A1BAE 472C
803328C7 0020
Bob Ombs From Metal Cap Blocks (YE)
80330BAB 00BC
81330BAE 3174
Pirahna Plants From Goombas (YE)
802A1BA7 0064
Fire From Bob Ombs (SM803)
812E7562 0090
812E7556 1AA4
Bob Ombs From Trees (YE)
812B0ABA 3174
812B0AC6 00BC
Wing Caps From Koopas (YE)
812FC4DE 0087
812FC4D2 3DB8
Metal Caps From Bob Ombs (YE)
812E7562 0086
812E7556 3DD8
Blue Coins From Trees (YE)
812B0ABA 0830
812B0AC6 0076
Wing Caps From Snifits (SM803)
8130DC16 3DB8
8130DC1A 0087
Yoshis From Wing Cap Blocks (YE)
80330BA3 0055
81330BA6 4538
Koopa Shells From Trees (SM803)
812B0ABA 1F3C
812B0AC6 00BE
(I think yoshielectron did this once in a hacking video once but never made it into a code.)
Super Deadly Bowser Flame (SM803)
812B8AE6 3510
812B8AF2 00CD
810EE6A6 0008
802EAAE7 0089
D-Pad Controls Bowser (YE)
D033AFA0 0008
8033D5D7 000C
D033AFA0 0001
8033D5D7 0001
D033AFA0 0004
8033D5D7 000A
D033AFA0 0002
8033D5D7 0004
(This will only work on the last Bowser. D-Pad down makes Bowser stand on toes, right makes him fall over, up makes him fly into air and land on belly, left makes him fly into air and land on back.)
Press L To Spawn Shockwaves (SM803)
8133D2D0 27BD
8133D2D2 FFE8
8133D2D4 AFBF
8133D2D6 0014
8133D2D8 3C0A
8133D2DA 8034
8133D2DC 814A
8133D2DE AFA1
8133D2E0 2408
8133D2E2 0020
8133D2E4 1148
8133D2E6 0003
8133D2E8 8FBF
8133D2EA 0014
8133D2EC 27BD
8133D2EE 0018
8133D2F0 03E0
8133D2F2 0008
8133D2F4 3C04
8133D2F6 8036
8133D2F8 8C84
8133D2FA 1160
8133D2FC 2405
8133D2FE 0068
8133D300 3C06
8133D302 1300
8133D304 0C0A
8133D306 7B73
8133D308 24C6
8133D30A 11D0
8133D30C 8FBF
8133D30E 0014
8133D310 27BD
8133D312 0018
8133D314 03E0
8133D316 0008
810EE060 8033
810EE062 D2D0
(Only works in Bowser fights, waves won't show on other levels. No, this wasn't made using the spawn code.)
Play As Big Lava Bully (SM803)
8134A7FC 8017
8134A7FE 5B88
8134A824 8013
8134A826 4B48
(Works on 2nd Bowser level. It's in a Bowser level so I thought I'd put it in the video.)
Shockwaves From Bowser's Flame (YE)
812B8AE6 11D0
812B8AF2 0068
Bowser Mario (SM803)
8107EC70 E83C
8107EC72 0000
8107EC68 E83C
8107EC6A 0000
8107EC20 0037
8107EC22 0D00
8107EC28 0037
8107EC2A 0D00
8107EC40 E83C
8107EC42 0000
8107EC38 E83C
8107EC3A 0000
8107ECA0 C600
8107ECA2 0000
8107EC98 C600
8107EC9A 0000
8107EC50 E83C
8107EC52 0000
8107EC58 E83C
8107EC5A 0000
(The color code)
Ride Lava Spider (SM803)
8134125C 8017
8134125E 5F00
81341284 8014
81341286 BA4C
8134141E D0BC
8034124B 0021
(Works on 2nd Bowser level. It's in a Bowser level so I thought I'd put it in the video.)
Play As Self Destructing Spike Bomb (SM803)
813408DC 8018
813408DE 4B34
802EAAE7 0026
(8133D3D0 27BD
8133D3D2 FFE8
8133D3D4 AFBF
8133D3D6 0014
8133D3D8 3C04
8133D3DA 8034
8133D3DC 948A
8133D3DE AFA0
8133D3E0 2408
8133D3E2 0020
8133D3E4 150A
8133D3E6 0003
8133D3E8 0000
8133D3EA 0000
8133D3EC 0C0B
8133D3EE 9ABE
8133D3F0 0000
8133D3F2 0000
8133D3F4 8FBF
8133D3F6 0014
8133D3F8 27BD
8133D3FA 0018
8133D3FC 03E0
8133D3FE 0008
810EE060 8033
810EE062 D3D0)
(The part in parentheses is the part that makes you explode when you press L, which was made by yoshielectron. If you don't want to explode when you press L, just don't add that part.)
Ground Pound For Shockwaves (SM803)
812AC88E 11D0
812AC89A 0068
Play As Bowser (YE)
813408DC 8018
813408DE 3C10
81340904 8015
81340906 05B0
80340A47 00FF
Ride Small Ice Bully (SM803)
81341E3C 8018
81341E3E 4184
81341E64 8015
81341E66 6250
81341FFE D0BC
Snowmen Throw Spindrifts (SM803)
8130815A 12B4
81308162 0054
Pick Up Snowman (SM803)
8134041C 8018
8134041E 3A98
81340444 8015
81340446 2688
81340496 0449
80340539 0000
8034053B 0002
813405DE F3B4
Press L for UFO (SM803)
D033AFA1 0020
8133DD76 D0BC
8133DC8C 0000
(This code makes the snowman platform spin and rise slowly. Unfortunately you cant get on it.)
Ride Spindrift (SM803)
8133E9FC 8016
8133E9FE F9CC
8133EA24 8013
8133EA26 1FBC
Play As Big Ice Bully (SM803)
81347D3C 8018
81347D3E 4390
81347D64 8015
81347D66 6250
(Works on Cool Cool Mountain)
(Yes, yoshielectron made a Play As Ice Bully code, but it was a small one and in a different level so its different.)
Collectable Snowballs from Water (SM803)
81330D12 0830
81330D0E 00A0
(If you want it to be Blue Coins from Water, just replace the A0 with 76.)
Snowman Spawns Coin Bag Frogs (SM803)
81341E3C 8018
81341E3E 3A98
81341E64 8015
81341E66 2688
81341FFE EB54
(This is the code from the preview.)
Press L to Kill Big Penguin (SM803)
D033AFA1 0020
813464DE D3D0
81330BA2 0076
81330BA6 0830
(Yes, yoshielectron made a code like this, but in his you pick the penguin up and throw it, and in this one you attack it and it explodes.)
Play As Coin Bag Frog (SM803)
81347ADC 8017
81347ADE 06FC
81347B04 8014
81347B06 4C14
80347C47 00FF
(Works on Snowmans Land)
Ride Penguin (SM803)
81341E3C 8018
81341E3E 3F50
81341E64 8014
81341E66 DF70
81341FFE D0BC

These codes i got from youtube videos so sum may be repeted

Improved Moon Jump Code:
D033AFA1 0020
8133B1BC 4220
D033AFA1 0020
8133B17C 0300
D033AFA1 0020
8133B17E 0880
mess up mario face
841948db 00ae
REALLY free the dog/chain-chomp from Bomb-Omb Battlefield!
chain chomp code:
8134FFDC 8018
8134FFDE F02C
81350004 8016
81350006 2E20
make chain chomp look like pac-man code:
80161D06 0023
80161D04 0004
801623C4 0004
801623C6 0023
801629D0 00B8
80162C30 00B8
Play As Bowser
813408DC 8018
813408DE 3C10
81340904 8015
81340906 05B0
80340A47 00FF
(Works on 3rd Bowser boss area)
The main code for Bowser sizes is right here with some Xs. You can replace the Xs with the numbers below to change Bowser's size.
Bowser Size Main Code:
8133D4B4 xxxx
8133D4B8 xxxx
8133D4BC xxxx
Tiny Bowser
xxxx = 3E80
Small Bowser
xxxx = 3F40
Normal Bowser
xxxx = 3F80
Large Bowser
xxxx = 3FC0
Very Large Bowser
xxxx = 4000
Giant Bowser
xxxx = 4040
Super Giant Bowser
xxxx = 4200
Big mario 810F0890 4000
Pac Man Chain Chomp
80161D06 0023
80161D04 0004
801623C4 0004
801623C6 0023
801629D0 00B8
80162C30 00B8 works bomb lv select lv and (1 star). ok?
Mini mario
810F0890 3D80
moon jump
D033AFA1 0020
8133B1BC 4220
D033B1BD 0020
8133B17C 0300
D033B1BD 0020
8133B17E 0880
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 5CB4
Can't Jump
D-Pad Caps
D033AFA2 0008
8033B177 0019
D033AFA2 0004
8033B177 0015
D033AFA2 0002
8033B177 0012
D033AFA2 0001
8033B177 0010
D-Up=Flying Cap D-Down=Metal Cap D-Left=Invisible Cap D-Right=Default Cap
Yoshielectron made this code.
Eye World
8133B424 8888
The walls have eyes.
Game Shark Button for Clone
8833B248 0001
8133B1C4 4170
Game Shark Button to Sleep
8833B189 0003
GIF World
8133B424 FFFF
It's called GIF World because the textures change periodically. And GIF stands for graphically interchanging format or somethin' like that, I don't know.
Glitched Sky
8133B425 7915
Glitched World
8133B424 2525
Debug Mode
A032D598 0001
Level Select
A032D58C 0001
Infinite Energy and Breath
8133B21E 08FF
L to Mess Everything Up
D133AFA0 0020
81339800 4026
D033AFA0 0010
81339800 4009
More like L for Fish Eye camera. But it does mess shadows and paintings up.
Orange Puff Sky
8133B425 9999
Pain in the Eye World
8133B424 5324
This is supposed to give you headaches.
Press Game Shark Button for 255 Coins
8933B218 00FF
This will not give you a star or any extra lives.
8933B218 03E7, you get 999 coins instead of 255 coins
Press L to Hover
D033AFA1 0020
8133B1BD 0000
Press L for Koopa Shell
D033AFA1 0020
8133B17C 2081
D033AFA1 0020
8133B17E 0446
L to Levitate
D033AFA1 0020
8133B1BC 4220
Must be in air or it won't work.
L to Levitate at All Times
D033AFA1 0020
8133B1BC 4220
D033B1BD 0020
8133B17C 0300
D033B1BD 0020
8133B17E 0880
This is a more glitchy code. You can get behind doors with it and can't lose lives with it on. ( Unless you hit the ground before Mario says WHO)
L to Run Fast
D033AFA1 0020
A032C55B 00BB
D033AFA1 0020
A032C55B 00BB
D033AFA1 0020
8133B2C0 0001
D033AFA1 0020
A032CCDD 0010
D033AFA1 0020
8133B1C4 FFFF
8133B1C5 0010
Makes Mario sluggish, so he can no longer run.
Screwy World
8133B424 9999
Sky World
8133B424 1111
The Everything World
8133B424 1717
Walk on Water
81381764 0800
81381766 0024
81000090 3C04
81000092 8034
81000094 8484
81000096 B1E6
81000098 4484
8100009A 3000
810000A0 4680
810000A2 3120
810000A4 4604
810000A6 903C
810000AC 4500
810000AE 0002
810000B4 4600
810000B6 2486
810000B8 080E
810000BA 05DB
810000BC E712
Yellow & White World
8133B424 000A
Sound FX Off
This is useful when you want to listen to the music without any noises.
Sharkfin World
8133B424 1818
Replace Stars with Cap Remaining Time
8124B2C4 0C00
8124B2C6 00D2
8124B2CA 0006
81000348 3339
8100034A 000E
8100034C 1720
8100034E 0002
81000350 8719
81000352 00B6
81000354 8719
81000356 00AA
81000358 03E0
8100035A 0008
8100035C 3C01
8100035E 8034
Music Speed Modifier
80222622 00??
Replace ?? with:
F8 Fast
FF Slow
Improved Luigi
8107EC40 154F
8107EC42 0400
8107EC38 154F
8107EC3A 0400
He looks more like Luigi with this code. But there's still that M!
Black & White Mario
8107EC40 FFFF
8107EC38 FFFF
8107EC42 FFFF
8107EC70 FFFF
8107EC72 FFFF
8107EC68 FFFF
8107EC20 0000
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 0000
8107EC2A 0000
8107EC50 0000
8107EC52 0000
8107EC58 0000
8107EC5A 0000
Black Mario
8107EC40 0000
8107EC38 0000
8107EC3A 0000
8107EC42 0000
8107EC70 0000
8107EC72 0000
8107EC68 0000
8107EC6A 0000
8107EC20 0000
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 0000
8107EC2A 0000
Black Overalls
8107EC20 0000
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 0000
8107EC2A 0000
Dark World:
8133B424 4444
Disco World:
8133B424 2222
Eye World:
8133B424 9908
Walking on Steep walls:
A1253DAC 0000
Moon Jump:
D033AFA1 0020
8133B1BC 4220
D033B1BD 0020
8133B17C 0300
D033B1BD 0020
8133B17E 0880
8833B248 0001
8133B1C4 4170
8107EC40 FFFF
8107EC22 FF00
8107EC50 FFFF
8107EC73 AAAD
8107EC38 000F
8107EC40 0300
8107EC40 F0FF
8107EC38 007F
8107EC40 00FF
Shadow Mario:
8107EC40 0000
8107EC38 0000
8107EC3A 0000
8107EC42 0000
8107EC70 0000
8107EC72 0000
8107EC68 0000
8107EC6A 0000
8107EC20 0000
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 0000
8107EC2A 0000
8107ECA0 0000
8107ECA2 0000
8107EC98 0000
8107EC9A 0000
8107EC80 0000
8107EC82 0000
8107EC88 0000
8107EC8A 0000
8107EC50 0000
8107EC52 0000
8107EC58 0000
8107EC5A 0000
Reverse Colors:
8107EC42 FF00
8107EC3A AA00
8107EC40 0000
8107EC38 0000
8107EC20 AA00
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 FF00
8107EC2A 0000
USS Empire suit:
8107EC40 800F
8107EC38 BB00
8107EC38 800F
8107EC3A BB00
8107EC20 0000
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 0000
8107EC2A 0000
8107EC40 FFFF
8107EC38 5050
8107EC20 AA05
8107EC20 9900
8107EC28 3000
8107EC2A 9930
Fleskhjerta suit:
8107EC20 5000
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 FF00
8107EC2A 0000
8107EC40 0000
8107EC38 0000
8107EC42 0000
8107EC3A 0000
ShadowMario64 suit:
8107EC40 0000
8107EC38 0000
8107EC3A 0000
8107EC42 0000
8107EC70 0000
8107EC72 0000
8107EC68 0000
8107EC6A 0000
8107EC20 0000
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 0000
8107EC2A 0000
Megaman765 suit:
8107EC40 0000
8107EC42 FF00
8107EC38 0000
8107EC3A FF00
My mod:
8107EC40 0000
8107EC42 0000
8107EC38 0000
8107EC3A 0000
8134209C 8019
8134209E 56A4
813420C4 8015
813420C6 B690
80342207 00FF
803421B9 0000
803421BB 0002
81342116 0449
81342256 F3B4
8134225E F3B4
8034225B 0001
D134B89E 0810
2434B89C 0239
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 48FC
play as luigi dpad left
D033AFA2 0002
8107EC40 007F
D033AFA2 0002
8107EC42 0000
D033AFA2 0002
8107EC38 003F
D033AFA2 0002
8107EC3A 0000
D033AFA2 0002
8107EC20 0000
D033AFA2 0002
8107EC22 3F00
D033AFA2 0002
8107EC28 0000
D033AFA2 0002
8107EC2A 7F00
D033AFA2 0002
8107EC70 721C
D033AFA2 0002
8107EC72 0E00
D033AFA2 0002
8107EC68 390E
D033AFA2 0002
8107EC6A 0700
D033AFA2 0002
812535C2 3F9D
D033AFA2 0002
812535BE 3F40
D033AFA2 0002
play as mario dpad right
D033AFD8 0001
8107EC40 FF00
D033AFD8 0001
8107EC42 0000
D033AFD8 0001
8107EC38 7F00
D033AFD8 0001
8107EC3A 0000
D033AFD8 0001
8107EC20 0000
D033AFD8 0001
8107EC22 7F00
D033AFD8 0001
8107EC28 0000
D033AFD8 0001
8107EC2A FF00
D033AFD8 0001
8107EC50 7F7F
D033AFD8 0001
8107EC52 7F00
D033AFD8 0001
8107EC58 FFFF
D033AFD8 0001
8107EC5A FF00
D033AFD8 0001
8107EC70 721C
D033AFD8 0001
8107EC72 0E00
D033AFD8 0001
8107EC68 390E
D033AFD8 0001
8107EC6A 0700
D033AFD8 0001
8107EC80 7F60
D033AFD8 0001
8107EC82 3C00
D033AFD8 0001
8107EC88 FEC1
D033AFD8 0001
8107EC8A 7900
D033AFD8 0001
8107ECA0 7306
D033AFD8 0001
8107ECA2 0000
D033AFD8 0001
8107EC98 3903
D033AFD8 0001
8107EC9A 0000
D033AFD8 0001
812535C2 3F80
D033AFD8 0001
812535BE 3F80
D033AFD8 0001
and these codes i got from zancoxd27

My Mode: (With Blonde Mario)
8107EC40 6622
8107EC38 0000
8107EC3A 0000
8107EC42 0000
8107EC70 0000
8107EC72 0000
8107EC68 0000
8107EC6A 0000
8107EC20 0000
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 0000
8107EC2A 0000
Codes of Super Mario 64
3x JUMP:
8125273E 3FFF
8107EC40 5656
8107EC42 5600
8107EC38 CBCB
8107EC3A CB00
8107EC20 CBCB
8107EC22 CB00
8107EC28 5656
8107EC2A 5600
8107EC50 CBCB
8107EC52 CB00
8107EC58 5656
8107EC5A 5600
8107EC70 5656
8107EC72 5600
8107EC68 CBCB
8107EC6A CB00
8107EC80 CBCB
8107EC82 CB00
8107EC88 5656
8107EC8A 5600
8107ECA0 5656
8107ECA2 5600
8107EC98 CBCB
8107EC9A CB00
8107EC20 5000
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 FF00
8107EC2A 0000
8107EC40 0000
8107EC38 0000
8107EC42 0000
8107EC3A 0000
8133B424 1515
8107EC40 0000
8107EC38 0000
8107EC3A 0000
8107EC42 0000
8107EC70 0000
8107EC72 0000
8107EC68 0000
8107EC6A 0000
8107EC20 FFFF
8107EC22 FFFF
8107EC28 FFFF
8107EC50 FFFF
8107EC52 FFFF
8107EC58 FFFF
8133B424 0000
8107ECA0 6759
8107ECA2 1100
8107EC98 6759
8107EC9A 0000
8107EC40 0000
8107EC42 FFAA
8107EC38 0000
8107EC3A 0000
8107EC40 0000
8107EC42 FFAA
8107EC38 0000
8107EC3A 0000
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 38FC
8033B426 D968
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 51AC
8125FE90 1000
8125FEAC 1000
8125FECC 1000
8133B1C5 1135
8833B248 0001
8133B1C4 4170
8133B424 1111
8133B424 2222
8107EC20 3476
8107EC22 5B00
8107EC28 3476
8107EC2A 5B00
8107EC40 3476
8107EC42 5B00
8107EC38 3476
8107EC3A 5B00
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 5E08
8133B218 0063
8107EC40 0000
8107EC38 0000
8107EC3A 0000
8107EC42 0000
8107EC70 0000
8107EC72 0000
8107EC68 0000
8107EC6A 0000
8107EC20 0000
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 0000
8107EC2A 0000
8107EC40 4444
8107EC42 4400
8107EC38 0000
8107EC3A 0000
8107EC20 0000
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 4444
8107EC2A 4400
8107EC50 0000
8107EC52 0000
8107EC58 4444
8107EC5A 4400
8107EC70 4444
8107EC72 4400
8107EC68 0000
8107EC6A 0000
8107EC80 0000
8107EC82 0000
8107EC88 4444
8107EC8A 4400
8107ECA0 4444
8107ECA2 4400
8107EC98 0000
8107EC9A 0000
F9 TO 120 STARS:
8933B21A 0078
F9 TO 255 COINS:
8933B218 00FF
8833B189 0003
8833B21E FFFF
8033B189 0002
8107EC20 5000
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 FF00
8107EC2A 0000
8107EC40 FFFF
8107EC38 5050
8107EC42 FF00
8107EC3A 5000
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 5F44
8133B196 0070
8133B1BD 0000
8107EC40 00A1
8107EC42 0000
8107EC38 0000
8107EC3A 0000
8107EC20 0000
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 C1A1
8107EC2A 0000
8107EC50 0000
8107EC52 0000
8107EC58 C1A1
8107EC5A 0000
8107EC70 00A1
8107EC72 0000
8107EC68 0000
8107EC6A 0000
8107EC80 0000
8107EC82 0000
8107EC88 C1A1
8107EC8A 0000
8107ECA0 00A1
8107ECA2 0000
8107EC98 0000
8107EC9A 0000
8107EC43 FFFF
8107EC67 FFFF
8107EC65 FFFF
8107EC32 FFFF
8107EC5B 0000
8107EC11 0000
8107EC15 0000
8107EC00 0000
810F0890 3F80
8107EC38 000F
8107EC40 0300
8107EC40 F0FF
8107EC20 000F
8107EC22 0300
8107EC28 F0FF
8107EC2A 000F
8107EC50 000F
8107EC52 0300
8107EC58 F0FF
8107EC5A 000F
8107EC70 000F
8107EC72 0300
8107EC68 F0FF
8107EC6A 000F
8107EC80 000F
8107EC82 0300
8107EC88 F0FF
8107EC8A 000F
8107EC38 000F
8107EC40 0300
8107EC40 F0FF
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 36AC
8107EC20 6A6A
8107EC22 6A00
8107EC28 6A6A
8107EC2A 6A00
8107EC40 5555
8107EC42 5500
8107EC38 5555
8107EC3A 5500
8107EC20 00AA
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 00AA
8107EC2A 0000
8107EC40 006F
8107EC42 0000
8107EC38 006F
8107EC3A 0000
8033B221 0000
8120770C FFFF
8120770E FFFF
81207710 FFFF
81207712 FFFF
81207714 FFFF
81207716 FFFF
81207718 FFFF
8120771A FFFF
8120771C FFFF
8120771E FFFF
81207720 FFFF
81207722 FFFF
8033B224 00A0
8107EC40 FFEE
8107EC42 FF00
8107EC38 FFEE
8107EC3A FF00
8107EC50 FFEE
8107EC52 0000
8107EC58 FFEE
8107EC5A 0000
8107EC80 FFEE
8107EC82 0000
8107EC88 FFEE
8107EC8A 0000
8107ECA0 0000
8107ECA2 0000
8107EC98 0000
8107EC9A 0000
8107EC70 0000
8107EC72 0000
8107EC68 0000
8107EC6A 0000
8133B17C 2081
8133B17E 0446
8033B220 0020
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 4690
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 54A0
8107EC20 AAFF
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 AAFF
8107EC2A 0000
8107EC40 AAFF
8107EC42 0000
8107EC38 AAFF
8107EC3A 0000
8107EC40 00BC
8107EC42 0000
8107EC38 BC00
8107EC3A 0000
8107EC20 BC00
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 00BC
8107EC2A 0000
8107EC50 00BC
8107EC52 0000
8107EC58 BC00
8107EC5A 0000
8107EC70 BC00
8107EC72 0000
8107EC68 00BC
8107EC6A 0000
8033B3BC 0050
8033B3BC 0080
80060113 007F
80060112 0001
80060111 0012
8006010F 006D
8006010E 0001
8006010D 0012
8006010B 005B
8133B424 9908
810F0890 3E00
D033AFA1 0020
8133B1BC 4220
D033B1BD 0020
8133B17C 0300
D033B1BD 0020
8133B17E 0880
8107EC20 5000
8107EC22 0000
8107EC2A 0000
8107EC40 FFFF
8107EC38 5050
8107EC93 6623
8107EC40 FF00
8107EC42 0000
8107EC38 FF00
8107EC3A 0000
8107EC20 0000
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 0000
8107EC2A 0000
8107EC40 EFDD
8107EC42 8800
8107EC38 EFDD
8107EC3A 8800
8107EC20 EFDD
8107EC22 8800
8107EC28 EFDD
8107EC2A 8800
8107EC50 EFDD
8107EC52 8800
8107EC58 EFDD
8107EC5A 8800
8107EC70 EFDD
8107EC72 8800
8107EC68 EFDD
8107EC6A 8800
8107EC80 EFDD
8107EC82 8800
8107EC88 EFDD
8107EC8A 8800
8107ECA2 8800
8107EC98 EFDD
8107EC9A 8800
8107EC40 FFFF
8107EC42 FFFF
8107EC38 FFFF
8107EC20 00FF
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 00FF
8107EC2A 0000
8107EC70 00FF
8107EC72 0000
8107EC68 00FF
8107EC6A 0000
8107EC50 FFAA
8107EC52 0000
8107EC58 0000
8107EC5A 0000
8107EC80 FFAA
8107EC82 0000
8107EC88 0000
8107EC8A 0000
8107EC40 0000
8107EC42 0000
8107EC38 FFFF
8107EC3A FF00
8107EC20 FF00
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 0000
8107EC2A 0000
8107EC70 FF00
8107EC72 0000
8107EC68 FF00
8107EC6A 0000
8107EC50 FFAA
8107EC52 0000
8107EC58 0000
8107EC5A 0000
8107EC80 FFAA
8107EC82 0000
8107EC88 0000
8107EC8A 0000
8107EC40 00FF
8107EC42 0000
8107EC38 00FF
8107EC3A 0000
8107EC20 0000
8107EC22 FF00
8107EC28 0000
8107EC2A FF00
8107EC70 00FF
8107EC72 0000
8107EC68 00FF
8107EC6A 0000
8107EC50 FFAA
8107EC52 0000
8107EC58 0000
8107EC5A 0000
8107EC80 FFAA
8107EC82 0000
8107EC88 0000
8107EC8A 0000
8107EC40 0000
8107EC42 0000
8107EC38 FFFF
8107EC3A FF00
8107EC20 007F
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 0000
8107EC2A 0000
8107EC70 0000
8107EC72 0000
8107EC68 007F
8107EC6A 0000
8107EC50 FFAA
8107EC52 0000
8107EC58 0000
8107EC5A 0000
8107EC80 FFAA
8107EC82 0000
8107EC88 0000
8107EC8A 0000
8107EC40 FF00
8107EC42 0000
8107EC38 FF00
8107EC3A 0000
8107EC20 0000
8107EC22 FF00
8107EC28 0000
8107EC2A FF00
8107EC70 FF00
8107EC72 0000
8107EC68 FF00
8107EC6A 0000
8107EC50 FFAA
8107EC52 0000
8107EC58 0000
8107EC5A 0000
8107EC80 FFAA
8107EC82 0000
8107EC88 0000
8107EC8A 0000
8107ECA0 0077
8107ECA2 0000
8107EC98 0077
8107EC9A 0000
8107EC40 FFFF
8107EC42 FF00
8107EC38 AAAA
8107EC3A AA00
8107EC20 8800
8107EC22 0000
8107EC40 976C
8107EC42 0B00
8107EC38 976C
8107EC3A 0B00
8107EC20 AE7D
8107EC22 0D00
8107EC28 AE7D
8107EC2A 0D00
8133B424 9919
8133B424 9910
8107EC40 FF33
8107EC42 FF00
8107EC38 FF33
8107EC3A FF00
8107EC20 0000
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 0000
8107EC2A 0000
8107EC50 0000
8107EC52 0000
8107EC58 0000
8107EC5A 0000
8107EC70 FF33
8107EC72 FF00
8107EC68 FF33
8107EC6A FF00
8133B424 1919
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 5CB4
8107EC38 007F
8107EC40 00FF
8107EC40 800F
8107EC38 BB00
8107EC38 800F
8107EC3A BB00
8107EC20 0000
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 0000
8107EC2A 0000
8107EC40 FFFF
8107EC38 5050
8107EC20 AA05
8107EC20 9900
8107EC28 3000
8107EC2A 9930
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 3A88
8107EC40 FFFF
8107EC38 4F4F
8107EC58 FF00
8107EC50 4F00
8107EC28 0000
8107EC20 0000
8107EC2A 0000
8107EC22 0000
8107EC70 CC00
8107EC68 4A00
8107EC40 0000
8107EC42 C800
8107EC38 0000
8107EC3A C800
8107EC20 0000
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 0000
8107EC2A 0000
8107EC50 C800
8107EC52 0000
8107EC58 C800
8107EC5A 0000
8107EC70 C800
8107EC72 0000
8107EC68 C800
8107EC6A 0000
8107EC42 FF00
8107EC3A AA00
8107EC40 0000
8107EC38 0000
8107EC20 AA00
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 FF00
8107EC2A 0000
8107EC40 E8F3
8107EC42 1900
8107EC38 E8F3
8107EC3A 1900
8107EC40 0000
8107EC42 0000
8107EC38 0000
8107EC3A 0000
8107EC20 0000
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 0000
8107EC2A 0000
8107EC50 0000
8107EC52 0000
8107EC58 0000
8107EC5A 0000
8107EC70 0000
8107EC72 0000
8107EC68 0000
8107EC6A 0000
8107EC80 0000
8107EC82 0000
8107EC88 0000
8107EC8A 0000
8107ECA0 0000
8107ECA2 0000
8107EC98 0000
8107EC9A 0000
8107EC40 0000
8107EC38 0000
8107EC3A 0000
8107EC42 0000
8107EC70 0000
8107EC72 0000
8107EC68 0000
8107EC6A 0000
8107EC20 0000
8107EC22 0000
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 3E80
8133B4D6 8C4C
8833B248 0001
8133B1C4 4277
8107EC40 0000
8107EC42 FFAA
8107EC38 0000
8107EC3A 0000
8133B4D6 8B9C
8107EC80 9950
8107EC82 5000
8107EC88 9950
8107EC8A 5000
8033B3BB 0090
8033B3BB 0010
D033AFA1 0020
8133B1BC 42FF
D033B1BD 0020
8133B17C 0300
D033B1BD 0020
8133B17E 0880
8133B424 3333
8133B424 1264
8107EC40 FA32
8107EC42 1400
8107EC38 FA32
8107EC3A 1400
8107EC80 4C33
8107EC82 3300
8107EC88 CC33
8107EC8A 3300
8107EC20 0033
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 3300
8133B176 001E
A0325414 FF00
A03255D2 0001
A03254DF FF00
81250900 1000
81255490 1000
8125572C 1000
8125572E 0031
81381764 0800
81381766 0024
81000090 3C04
81000092 8034
81000094 8484
81000096 B1E6
81000098 4484
8100009A 3000
810000A0 4680
810000A2 3120
810000A4 4604
810000A6 903C
810000AC 4500
810000AE 0002
810000B4 4600
810000B6 2486
810000B8 080E
810000BA 05DB
810000BC E712
8107EC50 00CC
8107EC28 00FF
8107EC40 00FF
8107EC70 BB00
8107EC42 FFAA
8107EC38 0000
8107EC3A 0000
8107EC40 0000
8107EC40 FFFF
8107EC38 FFFF
8107EC42 FFFF
8107EC70 FFFF
8107EC72 FFFF
8107EC68 FFFF
8107EC20 0000
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 0000
8107EC2A 0000
8107EC50 0000
8107EC52 0000
8107EC58 0000
8107EC5A 0000
8107EC40 CCDD
8107EC42 DD00
8107EC38 EEFF
8107EC3A EE00
8107EC20 DBDB
8107EC22 0200
8107EC28 DBDB
8107EC2A 0200
8107EC40 DBDB
8107EC42 0200
8107EC38 DBDB
8107EC3A 0200
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 4E28
these r codes i got from youtube that r play as codes

D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 5C84
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 38FC
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 4534
8133B4D6 8F40
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 5F44
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 36AC
Invisible Mario:
810F0890 0000
Iron Door:
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 5E08
8133B4D6 9A9C
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 54A0
8133B4D6 8EDC
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 51AC
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 3A88
Shroom(1Up Mushroom):
8133B4D6 9BF4
Shy guy:
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 3E80
8133B4D6 8C4C
Collected Star:
8133B4D6 8B9C
Invisible Peach:
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 4690
Unformed Peach Look:
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 4D28
Warp Pipe:
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 5CB4
Water Ring:
8133B4D6 8834
8133B4D6 8AA4
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 4E28
Star: 8133B4D6 8B9C
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 36AC
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 4E28
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 38FC
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 54A0
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 5CB4
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 5F44
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 3A88
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 38FC
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 51AC
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 5F44
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 36AC
Iron Door:
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 5E08
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 54A0
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 5CB4
Potatoe (Bob-Omb foot)
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 3A88
Shy Guy (A personal favorite)
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 3E80
8133B4D6 8C4C
8133B4D6 8B9C
Tooth Looking thing (found by me :)-Mario's nose??)
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 5C34
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 4E28
Yoshi's Foot (found by me :) )
D134B89E 0860
8134B89C 8019
D134B89E 0860
8134B89E 50AC

Bob Cheat Game Shark Codes Ps4

This next code i made my self.

My World (messed up)

8133B424 2685
8133B424 9476
8133B424 9385
8133B424 8785
8133B424 8485
8133B424 9781
8129D84E FFFF
D033AFA0 0008
8033D483 0040
D033AFA0 0004
8033D483 0000
8107EC20 FF80
8107EC22 8000
8107EC24 FF80
8107EC26 8000
8107EC38 00FF
8107EC3A 4000
8107EC3C 00FF
8107EC3E 4000
8107EC50 FF80
8107EC52 FF00
8107EC54 FF80
8107EC56 FF00
8107EC68 FF00
8107EC6A FF00
8107EC6C FF00
8107EC6E FF00
8107EC80 0040
8107EC82 0000
8107EC84 0040
8107EC86 0000
8107EC98 0000
8107EC9A FF00
8107EC9C 0000
8107EC9E FF00
8107EC40 FF00
8107EC42 0000
8107EC38 FF00
8107EC3A 0000
8107EC20 0000
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 0000
8107EC2A 0000
8107EC20 5000
8107EC22 0000
8107EC28 FF00
8107EC2A 0000
8107EC40 FFFF
8107EC38 5050
8107EC42 FF00
8107EC3A 5000
80207723 0001
8020770B 00C7
50001101 0000
8020770C 00FF
8020770A 007E
50000F01 0000
80207725 0064
8133B424 1010
8129D84E FFFF
D033AFA0 0008
8033D483 0040
D033AFA0 0004
8033D483 0000
81381764 0800
81381766 0024
81000090 3C04
81000092 8034
81000094 8484
81000096 B1E6
81000098 4484
8100009A 3000
810000A0 4680
810000A2 3120
810000A4 4604
810000A6 903C
810000AC 4500
810000AE 0002
810000B4 4600
810000B6 2486
810000B8 080E
810000BA 05DB
810000BC E712
81255490 1000
8125572C 1000
8125572E 0031
81255490 1000
8125572C 1000
8125572E 0031
81250900 1000
81381764 0800
81381766 0024
81000090 3C04
81000092 8034
81000094 8484
81000096 B1E6
81000098 4484
8100009A 3000
810000A0 4680
8033B21D 0008
8033B21D 0064
8126B1D4 2400
8126B214 2400

Gameshark Gameboy Advance Codes